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  1. **设备选择**:选用的检票闸机具备快速识别二维码、条形码及IC卡等多种票务形式的能力,同时支持人脸识别技术,确保检票过程的高效与安全。

  2. **定制化服务**:根据展览中心的场地布局及人流预测,缘通租赁为活动量身定制了检票闸机的摆放位置及数量,确保每个入口都能快速通行,避免拥堵。

  3. **现场安装与调试**:在活动开始前一周,缘通租赁的专业团队完成了所有检票闸机的安装调试工作,并对工作人员进行了详细的操作培训,确保活动当天能够顺利运行。

  4. **技术支持与保障**:活动期间,缘通租赁安排了技术人员现场驻守,随时解决可能出现的任何问题,确保检票系统的稳定运行。



  1. **观众满意度提升**:许多观众表示,通过闸机检票既快捷又方便,无需排队等待,大大节省了时间。特别是对于携带小孩或行李较多的观众来说,这一改变尤为贴心。

  2. **主办方管理效率提高**:检票闸机的使用,使得主办方能够实时掌握入场人数,便于进行后续的人流控制和安全管理。同时,闸机收集的票务数据也为后续的活动分析提供了宝贵依据。

  3. **成本控制**:相比购买检票设备,选择租赁方式不仅降低了主办方的初期投入成本,还避免了设备闲置时的维护费用,实现了经济效益的最大化。




  **English Version**

  **Successful Case of Rental Services for Ticket Gates with Toll Collection in Qingyuan, Guangdong Province**

  In the rapidly developing modern society, the frequency of large-scale events, exhibitions, and sports competitions is increasing. How to efficiently and orderly manage personnel and ticket inspection has become a key concern for organizers. A large cultural exhibition center in Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province, recently successfully utilized the rental services of ticket gates with toll collection provided by YuanTong Rental, greatly improving entry efficiency and winning widespread praise. Here is a detailed review of this successful case.


  As an important cultural activity venue in Qingyuan, the cultural exhibition center frequently hosts various exhibitions, performances, and conferences. With the booming cultural industry in recent years, the center has seen a growing number of visitors. Traditional paper tickets and manual ticket inspection methods have been unable to meet the needs for efficient and accurate entry. Especially during an upcoming international anime exhibition, the expected number of visitors was expected to exceed 10,000. How to complete the ticket inspection of a large number of visitors in a short period of time to ensure the smooth progress of the event became an urgent problem for the organizer.

  **YuanTong Rentals Solution**

  Upon learning of this demand, YuanTong Rental quickly responded by providing a complete rental solution for ticket gates with toll collection to the Qingyuan Cultural Exhibition Center. The solution included multiple high-performance automatic ticket gates, a professional installation team, and on-site technical support, aiming to solve the ticket inspection problem through intelligent means.

  **Customer Feedback and Results**

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